Friday, August 28, 2015

Volkswagen XL1 can cover 111 km in just one ltr!

Volkswagen or VW new XL1 Super Efficient Vehicle is said to be the most fuel efficient car in the world: it reportedly can travel up to 313 miles on a gallon of diesel or a mind blowing 111 km with just one ltr of fuel!

If these claims of VW turn out to be true, it would indeed be a revolution in car technology. Consider this: The XL1’s fuel efficiency will be almost four-fold higher than Toyota Prius.

Also, the XL1 could get a thumbs up from environment activists as it is believed to emit only 38 gms of carbon dioxide per mile.

According to Volkswagen chairman Martin Winterhorn, the XL1 will go on sale in Britain and Germany initially (in two years) and will be priced affordably.

The XL1 is two-seater car propelled by a 800 cc TDI two-cylinder diesel engine that is linked to an electric motor. The car was rolled out at the Qatar Motor Show during the week and is likely to hit the roads in 2013.

The car is nearly four metres in lengh, almost the same size as the Volkswagen Polo and weighs only 795 kgs as it is built around a carbon fibre reinforced polymer exterior.

The XL1 can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in 11.9 seconds and the top speed of the car is 99 mph. The XL1 runs on diesel, which is around 25 per cent cheaper than petrol and even comprises an electric motor.

The incredible fuel efficiency has been achieved via a combination of aerodynamic slipperiness, drive-train efficiency and its light weight. The vehicle’s footprint is like that of Volkswagen Polo.

The Volkswagen XL1 produces around 75 hp, which is almost the same as Korean compact cars and the two-cylinder TDI engine generates around 48 horsepower (hp) and the electric motor around 27 horsepower.

A striking feature is that the XL1 comes with winged doors, which, according to Volkswagen, will make it easier to enter or exit the car. The two doors open upward and a tad forward.

VW is likely to test waters first with a limited rollout but if it finds many takers for its XL1, it could moot the option of launching the car globally.

Volkswagen chairman Winterkorn, who was present at the Qatar Motor Show to launch the car, said if the world wants to target a two degree centigrade cut in global temperatures by the year 2050, then average consumption of the world car fleet needs to be about 0.9 ltrs per 100 km or 313 miles per gallon (similar to the XL1).

A breakthrough has been achieved with the launch of the Volkswagen XL1. Not only that. Along with fuel efficiency comes another plus: a diesel engine which will help save costs even further (as it is cheaper than petrol).

The design is also a highly futuristic one with incredible winged doors, and if Volkswagen can price the XL1 reasonably, the 111-km a ltr car will not only see enthusiasts in Europe swarming for it, but could become a trendsetter and an icon in the world of cars.

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